Crude Oil Desalting
In this refinery application series on Crude Oil Desalting; explore how Alfa Laval's welded heat exchanger technologies have been applied to debottleneck, increase capacity, reduce CAPEX, increase energy efficiency & reduce utilities.
Application leaflets
Removing salts and impurities from crude oil is critical for maximizing the efficiency of a refinery’s distillation process. Whether you need to improve desalter performance or effluent water management, Alfa Laval has the experience and the solutions to solve your problems.

Blog posts
Read how Alfa Laval’s spiral plate heat exchanger technology solves the challenges in cooling desalter water effluent.

Case stories
US Refinery has solved costly fouling problems in desalter effluent cooling by installing Alfa Laval Spiral Heat Exchanger

Texan Refinery have maximized cooling of it's effluent water using an Alfa Laval Wet Surface Air Cooler
Special reports
How to use Alfa Laval Spiral heat exchangers in desalter effluent service to reduce fouling issues.

Read other relevant refinery blog posts
Debottleneck naphtha hydrotreaters with highest project ROI
Overcome the challenges of cooling desalter water effluent
How to cut your refinery cooling water consumption by 30-50%
Refinery alternatives to box coolers
Reduce carbon intensity while improving bottom line in the refining sector
Reducing energy consumption in industrial refrigerant systems
Benefits of Compabloc technology versus shell & tube