Meeting high expectations in Beijing

At its highest point, the mighty Beijing Yintai Centre rises close to 250 metres over the expansive and vital central business district of the Chinese capital. In addition to its basic functions, this impressive complex serves as a local landmark and an obvious symbol of present Chinese prosperity. Its main tower is the highest building in Beijing, rising 63 floors and dominating the skyline. Flanked by two 42- floor office towers, it reflects the entrepreneurial spirit and pursuit of modernity present in the country today.

DATE 2023-11-28

Swift transition

Since a more market-oriented economic policy was introduced by the new leader Deng Xiaoping in 1978, GDP in China has increased tenfold – actually quadrupling since 2000. The “Chinese wonder” can be measured by multiple parameters. In October 2006, Chinese trade surplus hit a new record level by reaching an impressive USD 23.8 billion.

There are close to 110 million Internet users in the country, and their numbers are expanding rapidly. The fact that 49 percent of the population still work within the agricultural sector indicates that we have yet only witnessed the initial stages of China’s rise to global economic superpower.

Spotless performance

The present focus of the Chinese industry is set on quality and modern design – values that are being emphasised physically in the Yintai Centre. In addition to the offices in the side towers, the complex accommodates a Park Hyatt Hotel, a number of residential blocks, a lifestyle-oriented shopping centre and a number of luxury apartments. Needless to say, the demand specification for various technical functions within the Yintai Centre excludes the second best. Therefore, Alfa Laval is proud to be the supplier of heat exchangers – 38 units – expected to deliver spotless performance during many years to come. In total, there are five types of Alfa Laval plate heat exchangers – including M15MFD, M15BFD, T20MFG, TL10BFG and MX25BFD – on duty in the district heating & cooling systems and in the boiler hot water system.

During the years to come, the Yintai Centre will no doubt attract a number of very distinguished foreign visitors. Some of them are already being scheduled. The purchase manager of the Yintai Centre, Mr Shen, brings notice of a future global event where the centre will fulfil a key function:

– The centre will be a service co-operator during the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing. We will provide accommodation and systematic service for the participants and their entourage throughout the games. Therefore, the reliability of the technical functions is of crucial importance. This fact was a major reason for selecting Alfa Laval as our supplier of heat exchangers.


Majestic, still dynamic and progressive. The Beijing Yintai Centre reflects present prosperity in the Chinese capital.