2022-10-06 Product news
Coast Guard purchases a light icebreaker and increases life extension work on its fleet
The Canadian Coast Guard added a light icebreaker to supplement its operations in the Great Lakes, St. Lawrence, and Atlantic regions.
This interesting article is about the Canadian marine industry. Alfa Laval’s equipment onboard vessels protects their important equipment as well as reduces energy costs and harmful emissions.
Read the full article on mromagazine.com
“…The Parliamentary Secretary announced that the Canadian Coast Guard’s newest light icebreaker has been named the CCGS Judy LaMarsh…
…This vessel will help the Canadian Coast Guard continue its excellent work, while ensuring other icebreakers can receive the maintenance updates they need to meet their high standards of performance.
CCGS Judy LaMarsh, is currently undergoing design and conversion work at the Canadian Coast Guard’s Prescott Base. The vessel will be ready around the 2022-2023 icebreaking season, allowing other vessels to undergo maintenance and life extension work as part of the National Shipbuilding Strategy…”
Click here to learn more about Alfa Laval’s equipment for heat reuse, fluids cleaning and emissions reduction.

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