2022-06-06 Product news
IMO approves port call data exchange standard
Standardising and harmonising electronic ship to shore communication by integrating administrative, nautical and operational data, to strengthen port calls in general and support maritime digitalisation.
This interesting article is about the Canadian marine industry. Alfa Laval’s equipment onboard vessels protects their important equipment as well as reduces energy costs and harmful emissions.
Read the full article on hellenicshippingnews.com
“…The port call business process is a very important element for safe and efficient port operation – and a key objective of facilitation – following maritime digitalisation.
Standardising and harmonising electronic ship to shore communication was therefore once again high on the agenda at the IMO Facilitation Committee meeting held from 9-13 May 2022, with the aim of ensuring better and smarter communication between all actors involved in a port call…
…In 2016, the IMO adopted mandatory regulations for electronic data exchange, requiring public authorities to establish systems to assist ship clearance processes and a MSW by 1 January 2024. Owing to that decision, FAL 46 adopted amendments to the Facilitation Convention which makes the single window for data exchange mandatory in ports around the world. This marked a significant step on the path to digitalization for shipping…”
Click here to learn more about Alfa Laval’s equipment for heat reuse, fluids cleaning and emissions reduction.
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