2022-04-27 Product news
Port of Montreal joins UN Global Compact
Canada’s Montreal Port Authority (MPA) joined the United Nations Global Compact, a global initiative focused on developing, implementing and promoting good corporate sustainability practices.
This interesting article is about the Canadian marine industry. Alfa Laval’s equipment onboard vessels protects their important equipment as well as reduces energy costs and harmful emissions.
Read the full article on offshore-energy.biz
“….The UN Global Compact is a call to companies around the world to address global challenges and build a better world. With more than 15,000 companies in over 160 countries, it is an international movement of responsible enterprises that align their strategies and operations with the principles of sustainability in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption, for everyone’s benefit.
This announcement is said to be fully in line with the values that have underpinned the strategic vision and management of MPA activities for many decades.
As a signatory to the AIVP 2030 Agenda of the Worldwide Network of Port Cities, the Call to Action for Shipping Decarbonization and the Montreal Climate Partnership, the MPA has implemented a number of practical actions. It has also forged international partnerships aimed at protecting the environment and biodiversity and reducing its carbon footprint…”
Click here [/marine-and-transportation/marine/] to learn more about Alfa Laval’s equipment for heat reuse, fluids cleaning and emissions reduction.
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