Saskatchewan water treatment plant first in Canada to use progressive design-build format
A planned major upgrade marks the first time in Canada that a progressive design-build format will be used in the construction of such a facility
This article is related to Alfa Laval wastewater equipment. Alfa Laval's Separation and Heat Transfer are used by municipalities and cities across Canada.
Read the full article on constructconnect.com
“….progressive design-build is more of an integrative process where management sits down with the engineer and contractor to plan the project…
…The $222-million price tag for the renewal project is being funded jointly by all three levels of government…
…The plans call for new offices, a brand new ozonation process, new low lift pumps, a repurposing of the regeneration facility to a new chemical storage facility, clarifiers converted to dissolved air flotation, conversion of the granular activated carbon conduction to a biological process and some new processed waste lagoons with rehabilitation of existing lagoons…”
Read the full article on constructconnect.com

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Marc Hunt, Technical Sales Manager
+1 888 253 2226, Ext. 3421
Email Marc
Brian Kelly, Service and Parts
+1 888 253 2226, Ext. 6342
Email Brian
In Quebec
Pierre Gosselin, Technical Sales, Service+1 450 466 0555
Email Pierre
Joshua Kowalchuk, Technical Sales, Service
Call: +1 587 643 5505
Email: Josh
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+1 888 253 2226 Alfa Laval's Canadian Expert in
Brewery Technology/Equipment, is Martin Ivanov, P.Eng. Ext. 343
Email Martin a question at Martin.Ivanov@alfalaval.com
British ColumbiaDerek Gluschenko, Technical Sales Service
+1 604 734 2225
Email Derek