2023-02-21 Product news
Protein Industries Canada to receive $150 million in renewed funding
The Canadian federal government has committed another $150 million to Protein Industries Canada over the next five years, as the original funding for the innovation cluster expired last year.
This article covers the recent announcement of a new round of funding for Protein Industries Canada.
View the full article on realagriculture.com
“..During the first five-year mandate, Protein Industries Canada (PIC) co-invested $173 million in federal funds into 55 projects involving plant-based food, feed, and ingredients, leveraging $304 million in private investment.
“This renewed investment into Protein Industries Canada will support continued innovation, scale-up of companies and the commercialization of new products in Canada’s plant-based food, feed and ingredient sector, helping us reach the goal of a $25 billion industry by 2035,” says PIC CEO Bill Greuel.”
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