Upcoming events
Separation for your brewery - webinar - 24 Sep 2019
A centrifuge, or a separator, is a great tool that can help you to increase the profit from every batch of beer from your brewery and at the same time improve the quality of your beer. In this webinar our experts Joakim Gustafsson and Fernando Jimenez will introduce you to separation technology and explain how it is used in beer breweries. You will get to know why more and more brewers pay attention to beer centrifuges. You will find out, how separation can help you increase yield, improve beer quality and profitability.

Past events
Yeast propagation webinar – 26 June, 2019
Yeast used for fermentation of beer does not live forever, and must be replaced with fresh yeast from time to time. The cultivation of a fresh yeast culture is called propagation. In this webinar, our brewery expert Henning Sørensen will talk to you about this essential step in beer production.

Dry hopping webinar
Get some basic understanding of the dry hopping process in beer production from our brewery experts. Learn 2 new technologies to accelerates dry hopping, reduce product loss and improve taste quality during the process.