Communiqués de presse
This section features photos and illustrations of people, products, processes and industries relating to Alfa Laval.
All images are available for download. The material is copyright by Alfa Laval, but may be used freely if the source is stated.
Press images
Advertisment - One of the first advertising images for the first cream separator.
2016-10-25 9684 kB
Separator - A classic Alfa Laval separator from the early 1900's.
2016-10-25 1730 kB
Workshop - In 1883 AB Separator's first workshop in Stockholm employed some 60 workers.
2016-10-25 4997 kB
Gustaf de Laval (1845-1913)
2016-10-25 5319 kB
A drawing of one of the first cream separators developed by Gustaf De Laval.
2016-10-25 20241 kB
2016-10-25 2859 kB
2016-10-25 4201 kB
Biotech and pharmaceutical
2016-10-25 7412 kB
2016-10-25 3225 kB
2016-10-25 2901 kB
Fluid power
2016-10-25 5564 kB
Food - Dairy
2016-10-25 3368 kB
Food - Olive oil
2016-10-25 7006 kB
2016-10-25 8125 kB
Industrial fermentation
2016-10-25 7634 kB
2016-10-25 6489 kB
2016-10-25 9455 kB
Marine and diesel power - Ships
2016-10-25 5759 kB
Marine and diesel power - Shipyard
2016-10-25 8011 kB
2016-10-25 3577 kB
Metal-working industries - Automotive
2016-10-25 5269 kB
Metal-working industries
2016-10-25 6422 kB
Mining and pigments
2016-10-25 8926 kB
Oil and gas
2016-10-25 2770 kB
Oil refinery
2016-10-25 6642 kB
2016-10-25 6267 kB
Pulp and Paper
2016-10-25 2513 kB
Refrigeration and cooling
2016-10-25 2285 kB
Semiconductor systems
2016-10-25 4182 kB
Textile industry
2016-10-25 8288 kB
Waste water treatment
2016-10-25 3382 kB
Press images
Alfa Laval Group Management from 170101
2016-10-25 4301 kB
Tom Erixon - New President and CEO of the Alfa Laval group
2016-10-25 24811 kB
Sameer Kalra - President, Marine Division
2019-10-01 2095 kB
Susanne Pahlen Aklundh - President, Energy Division
2016-10-25 13086 kB
Nish Patel - President, Food & Water Division
2016-10-25 191 kB
Joakim Vilson - Executive Vice President, Global Sales & Service
2016-10-25 56 kB
Mikael Tydén - Executive Vice President, Operations
2017-02-17 20011 kB
Peter Torstensson - Senior Vice President, Communications
2016-10-25 6030 kB
Pascale Gimenez - Senior Vice President, Human Resources
2018-11-15 8354 kB
Jan Allde - Senior Vice President, Chief Financial Officer
2018-11-15 1676 kB
Research and development
Press films
Image property rights
All press images are copyright by Alfa Laval. These images may be used freely when the source is stated.
The images are in a high resolution EPS format (300 dpi). All images are in CMYK colour for print.
To use them on the Internet the images must be converted to RGB and then into a suitable web format such as JPEG.
Should you require images in another format or size, please use the contact information below.